IMT Ghaziabad Placements
The MBA Placement Journey...through G-Talk Status messages! The placement process as at any institute always starts with the finalizing your resume. That is more difficult than it sounds, involving collecting all your achievements and projects, putting them in perfect words which are "crisp" and "concise". Further, it also involves getting it reviewed from other people who always come up with some mistake or the other. Their recommendation is to "quantify" whatever you things like " Organized XYZ event " changes to " Organized XYZ event and helped increase sponsorship by 78% and participation by 110% "!!!. This is quite a skill, as people earlier wrote " Expert in C++ ", now some, I am sure would be writing this in their resumes: " Expert in quantifying achievements ". I for one, as reflected in the status message got really irritated by the whole process. sid "has frozen his resume and is sick ...