I see people, I look for faces...
Going to a new place, a place where you don't have your family, only contacts. A place where you don't have friends, only colleagues. Its at places such as these, you try to look for familiar faces. Amongst unknown, never seen before people, you suddenly start seeing people, people you know, people you love. You start thinking what if instead of these unknown people, you were again amongst the company of your loved ones. In their unknown faces, you suddenly start seeing familiar faces.
Then, this wish fulfilling dream breaks. The reality of the unknown place with the unknown people again dawns on you. You resign yourself to these people, hoping, just hoping that some of them would be like, if not the people you left.
Well, as they say, even if the cast changes suddenly, the show must go on. That it will, with a bang. Now, thats a promise.