About the Infy Mysore Campus
Random Thoughts: The Company
Infosys is in some ways more an institution than just a company. An institute which trains thousands of people each year from diverse engineering backgrounds to be quality software engineers. An institution which also represents values and principles at a time when these very qualities are fast disappearing in the corporate world.
Concentrating on the more mundane matters of providing training, students who are picked up from different colleges throughout the country are sent to the Global Education Centre, GEC in short in places like the Mysore Development Center. Their they are put up at great accommodation and given facilities others can only dream of, in their Employee Care Center, ECC as it called. Just for the record, they are provided world class training in the fundamentals of software and then in one specific technology. But these are factual details and you probably know most of these.
So coming to matters more humane, just being in a place so far away from home leads to a bonding that is in some ways similar to those stranded in an island together or those locked up together in jail. Looking at people, some just fighting to stay in the company, for whom each new module or project is a new fight for survival, to people for whom all this is a big joke, the college party which never ended, is a study in great contrast. Also a contrasting study is talking to those for whom the company is God, and staying in their only mission to people who would like to quit at the first available opportunity. Also are the people for whom it wouldn’t matter one way or the other. The Infosys story would be continued in the next post.
Concentrating on the more mundane matters of providing training, students who are picked up from different colleges throughout the country are sent to the Global Education Centre, GEC in short in places like the Mysore Development Center. Their they are put up at great accommodation and given facilities others can only dream of, in their Employee Care Center, ECC as it called. Just for the record, they are provided world class training in the fundamentals of software and then in one specific technology. But these are factual details and you probably know most of these.
So coming to matters more humane, just being in a place so far away from home leads to a bonding that is in some ways similar to those stranded in an island together or those locked up together in jail. Looking at people, some just fighting to stay in the company, for whom each new module or project is a new fight for survival, to people for whom all this is a big joke, the college party which never ended, is a study in great contrast. Also a contrasting study is talking to those for whom the company is God, and staying in their only mission to people who would like to quit at the first available opportunity. Also are the people for whom it wouldn’t matter one way or the other. The Infosys story would be continued in the next post.